Category: Depression
Pillow Attack

A gift from my anxiety is the power of my imagination. Anxiety is a future focused state, dependent on wildly irrational beliefs about what the future may hold. Where do these come from? Definitely not experience. These notions come from extreme creative thought. Like the certainty that my pillows lay…
Green Happy Place
Ungrateful Me
Neurofeedback: Posture Exercises for Your Brain
Distracted Medicating and my Brain
Loving Kindness Meditation (In the Water)
Pouring Oil onto the Engine Block of My Brain
The Half and Half Incident: What Comes of Exhausted Thinking
Let the Dog Bark Part 2: Operant Conditioning Outcomes

Yes, I did let the dog bark and bark…. and the results? First, a clash of philosophies, then a little behavioral science, and then I’ll reveal the outcome. My boyfriend called my training technique “tough love,” his euphemism for animal cruelty. He couldn’t even bear to stick around the nights I ignored Pixie’s piteous bark-whining to be let…